Kelly's journey to a coding master
학부연구생Ch1. BART(Bayesian Additive Regression Tree) 본문
Bayesian additive regression trees and the General BART model
Bayesian additive regression trees (BART) is a flexible prediction model/machine learning approach that has gained widespread popularity in recent years. As BART becomes more mainstream, there is an increased need for a paper that walks readers through ...
학부연구생으로 활동하고 나에게 처음으로 주어진 논문이었다. BART는 베이지안의 MCMC를 Tree에 적용시켜 모수(트리의 구조 관련 파라미터들)를 샘플링하여 그에 따른 예측값들을 얻어내는 머신러닝 기법이다.